Norton Service Release Database N75


NATURE OF RELEASE: Clutch Adjustment
DISTRIBUTION: Worldwide (For general distribution)
EXPLANATION: The factory recommendation for adjustment at the clutch pushrod up to the present time has been to screw the adjuster in to give no free movement, then back the adjuster off one quarter turn. Field experience has resulted in the use of two different settings: one quarter turn for motorcycles on which the clutch has bedded down or one whole turn where a new clutch is in use. Further tests reveal no problems from the continued use of the one whole turn setting, rather the reverse. It is for this reason that we have now consolidated on the one whole turn setting which will now be used on production and shown in all new service publications.
ACTION: Adjust all clutches to the new free play setting. To adjust, slcaken off as far as possible the cable adjuster at the handlebar control. Remove the large slotted plug on the primary chaincase to gain access to the diaphragm spring centre adjuster locknut. Slacken the locknut and, using a screwdriver, screw the slotted adjuster gently home until contact with the clutch push rod is felt. At this stage, unscrew the adjuster one whole turn. Now, holding the adjuster with a screwdriver to prevent movement, tighten the locknut fully. Clutch pushrod adjustment is now correct and the plug in the chaincase can be refitted. Finally, adjust the clutch cable free play at the handlebar lever to a minimum of 1/8in. (3. 2, , )

March 1972

Norton Villier Canada Limited