Norton Service Release Database N21


NATURE OF RELEASE: Distribution of Service Releases
DISTRIBUTION: Worldwide (Trade only)
EXPLANATION: We are on occasion being faced with claims for replacement of parts on the strength of information given in Service Releases which we have circulated purely for the guidance of our Franchised dealers. There is no wish on our part to restrict information which is widely and usefully applicable but at the same time a great deal of useful information would be barred to dealers were we to circulate only that information which could be made generally available without implication. Service Releases will from now on be classified in "Distribution" as "Trade Only" or "Suitable" for Release to Own
ACTION: Before circulating information from Releases check the distribution. This is in your own interests since any claim resulting from the disclosure of "TRADE ONLY" information must become the responsibility of. the dealer involved.

September 1970

Norton Villiers Canada Limited