Greg Marsh Enterprises

When it absolutely must be done right and with integrity, you need Greg Marsh Enterprises. Our motto, promise, mission, and ethic is: Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Vintage British Motorcycles


Medical Issues

Black Holes

Pseudo Code

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Greg Marsh Enterprises has two divisions: Vintage British Motorcycle Restoration and Information Technology Consulting.

Our Information Technology Consulting division provides solutions to the Small and Medium Business community.  We show our clients how to operate with the networks and systems most think are only available to large enterprises.

We can provide as much or as little of your Information Technology support as you require.  We have experience with support ranging from total outsourcing to simple "rack and stack" of new hardware.

We use our expertise in Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft-based networks, and Windows programming to implement badly needed business processes for our clients.  These services range from simple reports extracted from accounting systems to complex CRM-type systems optimized for each client.

Greg's book, An Introduction to Programming uses the Pseudo Code link on the left to enhance the learning experience.  The book is available on Amazon for Kindle here. It is free to read for prime members or you can buy it from Amazon.

Greg's ramblings on Black Holes titled The Problem with Black Holes is available to read here: here.

Microsoft Certified System Engineer      Microsoft Certified Database Administrator      AbuseIPDB Contributor Badge

Copyright © 2003-2024 Greg Marsh Enterprises
 8116 Arlington Blvd. #171, Falls Church, VA 22042, (703) 200-4025